Setters’ Run Farm has been an established breeding program based out of Vass, NC since 2012. Annie Eldridge, owner of Setters’ Run Farm has been involved with horses for over 30 years. About 10 years ago, Annie shifted her focus from being a successful upper level event rider to a sport horse breeder and event horse owner to international equestrian Ariel Grald. Setters' Run Farm has grown over the years from a six stall barn to a 100 acre premiere equestrian property catering to over 30 horses; from top level competition horses to foals.
Annie had always wanted to develop a breeding program that allowed youngsters to have a positive start in life. Setters’ Run Farm was developed as a peaceful haven for her broodmares and foals to grow up. This environment allows the youngsters to have a quality start in life, where they are raised with patience and correct training, allowing them to establish positive, harmonious relationships with both trainers and riders. This philosophy has proven to be successful, as Setters’ Run Farm homebreds have turned out to be trusting and willing partners with their respected new owners and riders. Annie believes that homebred horses offer quality and unique potential as they grow into competitive sport horses. Setters’ Run Farm is proud to be able to offer their homebreds for sale knowing they have been given the best opportunity to succeed.
One of the biggest rewards of the Setters’ Run breeding program for Annie is being able to watch the youngsters grow up. It is a pleasure for her to see them learn and progress successfully in their training with their new riders, much in part due to the confidence they gained at Setters’ Run Farm. She looks forward to watching the Setters’ Run Farm graduates out competing, and eventually, see them at the top level of equestrian sport.
Setter’s Run Farm Breeding Program.
Current Setter’s Run Farm Horses for sale.